
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Browned Butter Vanilla Bean Cake with Butterscotch Frosting

This cake is so good that I can't even talk about it.

OK, I'll talk about it so that you guys can feel the same way about it that I do.

You see that box of butterscotch chips in the picture below here? That box, full of 30 pounds of butterscotch chips, was given to me a few months back by my boss, who accidentally ordered much MUCH more than we needed at the bakery. In that time, I've been thinking of creative ways to use them. It takes a lot of brainstorming to use up 30 pounds of butterscotch chips. And, to be quite honest, nothing I've made has impressed me much . . . until now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

White Chocolate Raspberry Crepe Cake

White Chocolate Raspberry Crepe Cake

Happy Shrove Tuesday! Today is the day that people eat some of the things they will be giving up for the next 40 days that make up the lenten season. And a lot of people eat pancakes for dinner.

Crepes are the very thin cousin of pancakes and what could be a better way to celebrate the start of lenten season, than making them into a cake?

White Chocolate Raspberry Crepe Cake

This cake is super light and satisfying, composed of soft crepes between layers of sweet white chocolate mousse and raspberry jam. It is even better eaten the next day (really, eat it for breakfast), after the crepes have soaked up a bit of the mousse and the jam and the flavors are all wonderfully blended together.

In addition to it being a delightful end to Shrove Tuesday, this cake is also wonderful for Valentine's Day. It's a much lighter alternative to the rich and fudgy desserts that usually accompany the holiday (not that there's anything wrong with these), so it can be eaten for breakfast and dessert. What could be more lovely than that?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Flourless Chocolate Cake for Valentine's Day

Flourless Chocolate Cake for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day: The day that separates the single people from the couples. On this day of division between those given flowers and the flower-less (I know, I know, so cynical), I bring you a dessert that unites another set of groups: those willing to go a completely different kind of flourless, and those who turn up their nose at the term "gluten-free."

Ah, the flourless chocolate cake: the dessert that Becky from The Vintage Mixer and I ordained as the quintessential dessert that everyone is not only willing to try, but eager to love.